East End Jam

East End Jam Workshop Sunday 15 September 2019 (11-5pm)

Clare Qualmann led a group introduction to urban foraging, including identification, safe picking and working within the law. The group foraged seasonal food available in the neighbourhoods of East Folkestone and worked together to plan, prepare and make a jam, a jelly and a chutney from the fruits gathered, each participant gets to take home a jar of their preserves.

East End Jam is a walking, foraging, picking a preserving project that celebrates the unexpected fruitfulness of the urban environment.

Clare Qualmann is a London-based artist working across disciplines: from drawing and sculpture to performance, photography and live-art events (often in the form of walks). Everyday routine, the ordinary and unnoticed and the meeting of the personal and the political are sources of inspiration. East End Jam is an ongoing artwork that explores assumptions about urban space, local knowledge(s) and food for free. Clare is a founder member of the Walking Artists Network, and continues to facilitate its development. She also lectures at the University of East London and London Metropolitan University.