a person whose diet consists only or principally of locally grown or produced food.

THE LOCAVORE GROWING PROJECT is a community growing project created by Custom Folkestone C.I.C. The project aims to work with the community to embed food resilience and security.

We’re a community of gardeners who are passionate about food – where food comes from, how it’s grown, it’s potential to tell a story, to connect people to each other, to nature, to heritage, to discover long lost sustainable practices, to help reimagine a food system outside of capitalism.

Together, we will be developing a local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project that re-connect our community with it’s land.

latest news and events

28th June 2024 – We’ve opened a new community farm!

The Locavore Growing Project have just secured a new gardening space in Pent Farm, Postling. We’re in the early stages of development but need as many hands on deck as possible. We aim to build a completely organic community farm, accessible to all. Pent farm will be a space for us to grow, cook, share ...

18th February 2023 – BUY THE SEED ZINE!

Our Zine, created in collaboration with the Gaia Foundation is called “Into the Wind with the Seeds” and is available for sale, for just £2.50 plus P&P:

Seeding an Imaginative Future

An artists panel talk for the Seed Gathering 2023 3pm, Sunday 12th February 2023 UK and international artists working at the forefront of cultural engagement with farming, seed saving and the politics of our food systems will join Artist and Creative Director of Custom Food Lab, Cherry Truluck in conversation. The panellists will be invited ...

See all news and events

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